07599 249962
Fighting the Fly-Tippers - County-wide!
The District Council, who is supporting the Essex County Council campaign with local Essex councils to tackle fly tipping – has made successful bid for government funding to further this important cause. The bid has been approved for a new multi-agency project in the Epping Forest district to tackle the growing issue of fly-tipping and environmental crime. The Safer Streets funding of £50,653, combined with an additional £28,233 from Epping Forest District Council, and support from the City of London Corporation, will enable a comprehensive approach to address fly-tipping and other related anti-social behaviour and criminal activities. This collaborative project will bring together teams from Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) and the City of London Corporation (COL), which manages Epping Forest as a charitable trust, to create a robust response to environmental crime. The funding will support a variety of initiatives including:
The project aims to reduce fly-tipping by creating a deterrent for fly-tippers while addressing other issues such as anti-social behaviour, drug-related offences, dangerous driving and littering. In 2022/2023, local authorities across England dealt with 1.8 million fly-tipping incidents costing more than £13.3 million in clean-up efforts. The Epping Forest district has not been immune to this crisis, with statistics showing 2,476 fly-tips being reported in 2023/2024, marking an increase of 9% from previous years. And in Epping Forest alone, where the City of London Corporation is responsible for fly-tipping removal, there were over 300 incidents between 2022/2023. Clearing litter and waste from the forest costs the Epping Forest charity 10% of its annual budget. Fly-tipping is a criminal offence under the Environmental Protection Act (1990) and carries fines of up to £50,000 or even imprisonment. Find out how to ensure your rubbish is not fly tipped in Essex, and how to report fly tipping incidents: |
The 80th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe falls on May 8 2025, and communities up and down the country have been invited to commemorate the event. There are many suggestions – bellringing, flying the flag, picnics, beacons and many more – we as a Parish Council have registered an interest and would like to open the floor to all ideas from the parishioners. If you have a good idea for a community event, please let us know on the usual email address below.
Winter Services - Round-Up
We might be looking forward to springtime now, but the British weather still has tricks up its sleeves – enough of an annoyance if you are at home and a downright liability if you are travelling anywhere. The Essex County Council Highways Winter Service page is the place to go for information on how the county of Essex is kept moving: www.essexhighways.org/roads-and-pavements/wintertravel and please note also that there is a facility on this page to track gritter lorries – we have contacted ECC and they assured us that gritting services are operating regularly when they are required.
Inclusion Course - Your Views
As a Parish Council, we are committed to inclusion of all types, and to promoting a positive attitude to equality and diversity. We are mooting a half-day course to cover best practice in public and everyday life related to areas such as gender, culture, race, neurodiversity or disability, and more. It’s promising to be a fascinating session, with effects that will last all attendees a lifetime. Date and time to be confirmed but scheduled for February or March on a Saturday morning at the Village Hall – all residents and businesses are welcome, please contact the Clerk if you would like more information or to put your name down on the list.
Drone Night Flights
We have had recent reports of unexpected drone sightings at night, notably in the Oak Hill Road/ Tysea Hill region. If anyone is worried about drone night flights over the village, or has heard or seen anything untoward about these in the neighbourhood, feel free to report them to the police. You can email our local constabulary on:
As you will be aware, both Moto and Welcome Break are looking to build a service station in the vicinity of Brentwood, plans for both of which are adjacent to the parish borders. The M25 (Northeast) Residents’ Association has a campaign to refuse them: please see www.m25nera.org or scan the QR codes above
Welcome Break Roding Valley
The M25 is one of the busiest and most important motorways in the UK. However, it is significantly under-served by places to rest, refresh, and refuel – especially across the eastern stretch for traffic feeding to and from the Channel ports.
Welcome Break is proposing to develop a new Motorway Service Area (MSA) to serve the busy eastern section of the M25 between junctions 27 (M11) and 28 (A12).
In line with current government guidance, Welcome Break Roding Valley will only serve existing traffic on one of the busiest motorways in the UK.
Welcome Break Says - Have your say
We are now inviting the public to comment on our proposals before we submit a planning application to Brentwood Borough Council.
Consultation is an important part of our planning application process as it enables everyone to comment on the proposals with feedback, helping inform the development of our proposals – before we submit our application to Brentwood Borough Council.
The consultation will run from Wednesday 16th October to Friday 15th November 2024.
TAKE NOTE - The Welcome Break Roding Valley information event on Wednesday 30 October at Navestock Village Hall has been CANCELLED
If anyone has any questions about the proposals, emailenquiries@welcomebreakrodingvalley.info or call 0800 138 5406.More information is available on the dedicated project website: Welcome Break Roding Valley - Welcome Break Roding Valley
Please fill out an online feedback form with comments - email enquiries@welcomebreakrodingvalley.info, or write to FREEPOST WELCOME BREAK R V (no stamp required).
What's On in Epping Forest - Events for you this winter and spring
Welcome to the latest EFDC What’s on brochure, detailing events and happenings from November 2024 - April 2025. We're going to put paper copies in the hall, shop and church where you can pick them up, or if you're a digital follower, here is the web link:
On the inside back cover of the brochure, you will find details of the Epping Forest Community Lottery. There are over 50 Good Causes signed up now, but more are welcome - take a look at the book or the link to find out more, sign up, or make a suggestion!
Have your say in shaping nature recovery in Essex!
Have you heard of the Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)? This new document will shape the future of nature in Essex and set out the priorities for the recovery of wildlife and natural habitats in the county. To learn more and have your say on the future of Essex, visit https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/c-e/lnrs-public-consultation
The Essex Local Nature Partnership (LNP) website will feature regular updates on the Essex LNRS and will be a resource for general information: www.essexnaturepartnership.co.uk
Also on the Essex LNP website is a section dedicated to farmers and landowners and how the LNRS will relate to the land they manage. This section on the website has specific information and commentary which relates to agricultural land: www.essexnaturepartnership.co.uk/farmers-and-landowners
There is also a comprehensive set of FAQs available on the Essex Local Nature Partnership (LNP) website: www.essexnaturepartnership.co.uk/faq.
Stapleford Road
· 7 Oct - 16 Oct
· Drainage Works
· Essex County Council
Bournebridge Lane
· 14 Oct - 15 Oct
· Bollard Repair
· Essex County Council
Come one and all the Abridge Hall - it's the Autumn Barn Dance!
The great Stapleford Abbotts Quiz Night is back, slightly earlier than anticipated, on September 13 at 7. Will it be a lucky Friday 13 for your team next month? Make sure you give it your best shot by signing up for a table for your team - a bargain at just £8 per head. Bring your own food, there's a bar on site, and there will be a raffle with the most excellent prizes. To book, or for general queries, call Roger on 01992 523849.
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9 Drop in between 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Moto will be holding a session for residents to meet the project team, ask questions, and find out more about their plans for a new future-ready Motorway Service Area between junctions 2 7 and 28 of the M25.
All creatures great and small...
We know that our animals are heaven-sent - so on the first Sunday in September there's a chance to give thanks for their companionship, service and love. The Animal Blessing Service will take place at 3pm on September 1 at St Mary's Church, and all are welcome to bring their critters along for the event and the blessing. Call the Vicar on 01992 523849 if you need any further advice or information.
All are welcome to a very special event at the Church this month - St Mary's is hosting a Bat Watch, where it is hoped that some of these fascinating and elusive little creatures will introduce themselves and give us a glimpse of what goes on in their lives. Scheduled to appear also are representatives from Essex Wildlife, to answer questions not just about the "flitter-mice" but about all aspects of local wildlife.
- Venue: St Mary's Churchyard, Stapleford Abbotts
- Date: Wednesday August 14th
- Meet in church at approx 8.15pm for tea / coffee.
- Bat watch begins in the churchyard at approx 8.45pm.
12-14 AUGUST
28-29 AUGUST
Date for your diary - Oak Hill Green Consultation, 22/7/24, 15:30-19:30 at St John's Church, The Green, North Road, Havering Atte Bower, RM4 1PL
As all will be aware, there have been proposals for the Oak Hill Road site in Stapleford Abbotts - these will be featured in a public drop-in consultation event on Monday 22nd July, 15:30-19:30 at St John's Church, The Green, North Road, Havering-atte-Bower RM4 1PL. Flyers have already gone out to local residents - all are welcome to come on the day to find out more.
A reminder to all our parishioners and readers that there is no Parish Council meeting in August due to it being holiday season. Our next meeting will take place on September 3 2024, at 19:15 in the Village Hall as usual.
Make sure you’re ready
As all will be aware, the General Election will take place on July 4 2024. Here is some general information for what to do when you go to vote...
Polling hours
On Thursday 4 July polling stations open at 7am and close at 10pm.
Bring your poll card
You will have received your poll card in the post. You must go to the polling station on your poll card. Please bring your poll card with you to vote as it will help speed up the process, although you do not need your poll card to vote. Find out how to vote in person.
No voter ID = no vote
You must show an accepted form of photo ID or you will not be allowed to vote. Find out about voter ID including a full list of accepted photo ID. Please remind family and friends they will also need photo ID to vote.
Marking your vote
Put an X next to your chosen candidate on the ballot paper using the pencil provided. You can also use your own pen if you want to, but don’t write anything else on the paper or your vote may not be counted.
Posting your postal vote
Those voting by post are advised to use normal Royal Mail postbox so that your vote is received by 4 July. There are new rules for returning a postal vote by hand. Votes for the Epping Forest constituency must be handed to an authorised officer at the civic offices in Epping during office hours or at a polling station on election day before 10pm.
Result declaration
Counting will start as soon as polling stations close. We will publish the result on our website and social media as soon as it is declared, this could be anytime from 3am on Friday morning.
Funding for Community Carers Project is in the bag!
Buckhurst Hill Parish
Council, Loughton and Epping Town Councils and Epping Forest District Council
have funding from Essex County Council to create The Dementia Friendly
Community Carers project.
Council Annual Returns 2023-2024
Annual Returns for the Parish Council for the previous year as endorsed at Parish Meeting this month.
D-Day 80th Anniversary
Flying the flag for D-Day
The Official D-Day 80 ‘Flag of Peace’ is up at at St Mary's Church Stapleford Abbotts!
A beacon will also be lit at Abridge Hall at 9.15pm on Thursday June 6th. All welcome to attend - the area will be open from 8pm.
This is all part of national commemorations on 6th June for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day Worldwide. Flags will fly across the Nation as we remember Operation Overlord which brought together the largest naval, air and land operation in history, and remember over 209,00 casualties. From Government, Civic Authorities, Municipal, Borough, City, Town and Parish Councils, Schools, Churches, Businesses, Associations - anyone and everyone is encouraged to fly the official D-Day 80 ‘Flag of Peace’ as we are in Stapleford Abbotts.
It's an open secret that Stapleford Abbotts has some of the most beautiful countryside you'll ever see - and it has a network of well-attended footpaths for visitors of all abilities to access. Now you can look up the footpaths beforehand and even as you are out and about: there is an interactive map on ECC highways website, under public rights of way. Once on the site, you can select an area and focus in on it, and you can actually follow the paths as you walk.
Link is here:
· EPF/0312/24
· 1 Abbotts Way, Oak Hill Road, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1J
· Pitched roof two-storey rear extension to the existing house.
· Refuse 15/04/2024 Delegated Decision
· EPF/0310/24
· Olivedale, Bournebridge Lane, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1LT
· Demolition of existing roof/first floor and construction of new flat roof first floor extension including fenestration and material changes. New decking to the rear
· Refuse 15/04/2024 Delegated Decision
· EPF/0234/24
· Tower 65m From 3 Kensington Park, Oak Hill Road 37m From Kensington Park, Nupers Lane, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1AF
· Application to update the design of approved application EPF/1895/23 (New dwelling)
· Approved with Conditions (Subject to s106 Legal Agreement) 18/04/2024 Delegated Decision
· EPF/0099/24
· 1 Kensington Park, Oak Hill Road, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1AF
· TPO/EPF/11/08 (Ref: T2 & T3)
· TG1: Ash, Field Maple - Crown reduce by up to 3m, as specified. Reduction of lateral branches by up to 1.5m, as specified.
· Approve with Conditions 19/04/2024 Delegated Decision
· EPF/2408/23
· The Glen, Bournebridge Lane, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1LT
· Proposed replacement dwelling house.
· Refuse 28/04/2024 Delegated Decision
· EPF/0356/24
· High House Farm, Stapleford Road, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1EJ
· Non Material Amendment to EPF/0524/20 (Construction of x20 no. new dwellings with associated infrastructure, parking, public open space & landscaping
· Approve 30/04/2024 Delegated Decision
· EPF/0718/24
· Rosedene, Oak Hill Road, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1JJ
· Prior approval for a 8.0m deep single Storey rear extension, height to eaves 3.0m and max height 3.0m
· Not Required 30/04/2024 Delegated Decision
Award-winning 5-star housebuilder, Hill has acquired the site located at Oak Hill Road, at the southern end of Stapleford Abbotts. The site is allocated by the Council for residential development to meet the need for housing (Epping Forest Local Plan 2011-2033). Planning permission was granted for the development of 42 houses on the site, 40% of which are to be affordable, in March 2023. Hill are now reviewing the internal layout and design of these 42 houses.
Hill is committed to delivering these much-needed homes and will soon be submitting a new application to the Council for the same number of units.
There will be a public consultation shortly to introduce Hill and provide the local community with the opportunity to learn more about the proposals and raise any questions with the project team - for any updates and to send queries and comments please go to https://oakhillroadconsultation.co.uk/
Proposed Moto Services - Brentwood J27-28
News just in… Moto have launched a public consultation on proposals for a new Motorway Service Area (MSA) on either side of the M25 between Junctions 27 and 28. There have been positive pre-application discussions with officers at Brentwood Council and they are now inviting residents to engage with the public consultation.
Responding to need
In February 2022, National Highways called a meeting with all Motorway Service Area operators to raise their concerns over highway safety on the M25 East near Brentwood, asking operators to help provide a safe place for drivers to rest whilst travelling on the Strategic Road Network.
Moto’s proposals respond to their call to action and the identified need set out by the Department for Transport for a rest area for HGV drivers and general motorists in this key strategic location.
New proposals
Moto pinpointed a sustainable location for a new rest area, in a strategic location on the M25 between Junctions 27 and 28 of the M25, near Brentwood, on both sides of the motorway serving clockwise and anti-clockwise traffic.
They propose sustainable construction and a new EV Super Hub, incorporating around 100 EV ready spaces from day one, over both sites – plus a significant portion of the site will be retained to support an ambitious biodiversity net gain, creating thriving new spaces for nature.
Next steps
The public consultation site is on moto-brentwood.co.uk, and to meet the team or find out more information there is a Public Exhibition Event between 3.30pm and 7.30pm on Monday 20th May at Noak Hill Victory Hall, Church Rd, Noak Hill, Romford RM4 1LD.
Comments and queries can also be sent to Jake at J.Gilbert@devcomms.co.uk
Epping Forest Dementia Fair - May 11 2024
The fair provides lots of information, activities, and advice for people in the district affected by dementia.
Fair details
- Where: St. John’s Church, St. John’s Road, Epping, CM16 5DN
- When: Saturday 11 May
- Time: 10am to 2pm
- Free entry
No need to book. Everyone is welcome
Activities and resources
Epping Forest Dementia Friendly Community (EFDFC) is partnering with Epping Team Ministry to host the fair, which kicks off with a taster ‘Singing for The Brain’ session followed by a taster seated movement session at 10.30am.
There will be various information stalls from local service providers as well as light refreshments throughout the event.
Partners supporting the day include:
- Action for Family Carers
- Admiral Nurses
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Community First Responders
- Dementia & Frailty Service
- Epping Forest District Council Community Development and Wellbeing Team
- Epping Forest Youth Council
- Essex Police
- Essex Wellbeing Service
- Home Instead Epping Forest
- Honey Lane Care Home
- Oakland Care
- St Clare Hospice
- Voluntary Action Epping Forest
- Weald Hall Care Home
Dementia Action Week
Dementia Action Week is a national awareness raising campaign, running from Monday 13 to Sunday 19 May.
There are many different dementia friendly activities happening across the district throughout the week.
Each year, the Alzheimer’s Society works with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to ‘act on dementia’.
For more information, visit the Alzheimer’s Society website
Further information
For more information about the fair and dementia support in the district, contact Laura Cleverley, EFDC Dementia Action Officer,
- Email lcleverley@
eppingforestdc.gov.uk - Call 07548 145652
- Visit Epping Forest Dementia Information webpage
- Follow Epping Forest Dementia Friendly Community on Facebook
Other helpful resources
The Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Support Line
- Call 0333 150 3456
- Visit Dementia support line
Followers might be wondering about Sunday's event because of the rain in the last few days, but we are pleased to say the walk will go ahead. We are going to take a slightly shorter route but there are still 20 I-Spy items waiting to be found!
It will still be muddy in places so please dress accordingly (especially footwear). Working on the proviso that there is no bad weather, only bad clothes, you will need good walking shoes or wellies - definitely not trainers.
Pass the message along, and see you on Sunday at the church. Walk will start 14:45 with tea and cake to follow!
Roadworks & Road Closures - May 2024
- Stapleford Road
- Affinity Water maintenance
- 15-21 May
- Traffic lights - delays possible
- Horseman Side
- Affinity Water maintenance
- 29 April - 3 May
- Road closed at Goatswood Hill - diversion in place as a temporary arrangement
- North Road
- Havering Highway Authority maintenance
- 30 Apr - 14 May
- Delays minimal
- Stapleford Road
- Openreach maintenance
- 2-3 May
- Traffic lights - delays possible
Local Elections - Which forms of photo ID can you use to vote?
You must bring photo ID to vote in the local elections on Thursday 2 May 2024.
Accepted forms of photo ID
You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting. It must be the original version and not a photocopy.
- Passport
- Driving licence (including provisional license)
- Blue badge
- Certain concessionary travel cards
- Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
- Biometric Immigration document
- Defence identity card
- Certain national identity cards
Find a full list on the Electoral Commission website.
Out of date photo ID
You can still use your photo ID if it’s out of date, as long as it looks like you. The name on your ID must be the same name you used to register to vote.
Local Elections - What to expect at the polling station
Voting in person at a polling station
Election day is Thursday 2 May 2024
You will receive your poll card in the post around 2 weeks before election day. You don’t have to take your poll card with you and can still vote if you forget your card.
Go to the polling station on your poll card
It’s usually a public building like a school or village hall, but can be in all kinds of places, even pubs! You can’t go to a different one, for example, near where you work.
Polling stations open at 7am and close at 10pm
You can vote at any time within these times. Signs are placed outside and inside to show you where to go.
Polling station staff are there to help you
Usually there’s 1 person in charge, called the Presiding Officer, and a couple of other people called Poll Clerks.
Staff at the polling station must confirm who you are
Tell the staff your name and address so they can check that you are on the electoral register and eligible to vote. They will then ask for you photo ID which they will also check against the details on the register. Which forms of photo ID can you use to vote?
You will be given your ballot papers
Depending on where you live you will receive at least 2 ballot papers. One for the PFCC election and the other for the district council election. You may also get a third ballot paper for your parish or town council election.
Time to vote
You will be directed to a polling booth to cast your vote in secret. Read the ballot paper carefully and follow the instructions. On each ballot paper it will tell you how many votes you can make. If it’s busy, you may have to wait for a free booth.
Clearly mark your ballot paper with an X next to the candidate you are voting for
Either use the pencils provided in the polling booth to mark your ballot paper, or use your own pen or pencil if you prefer. Don’t write anything else on the paper or your vote may not be counted. If you make a mistake, hand the ballot paper back to the polling station staff and they can give you a new ballot paper.
When you’ve filled in your ballot paper, fold it in half and put it into the ballot box
It will be clearly labelled and obviously placed, but if you are not sure just check with a member of staff.
Your vote is yours and yours alone
Political discussion is not allowed inside and immediately around the polling station. You do not have to tell anyone how you voted.
Tellers may ask you for the number on your poll card
They volunteer for candidates or parties and will be outside the polling station. They use the information to check who has voted, and to remind people who haven’t voted, to do so. You don’t have to give them any information if you don’t want to.
Don’t take photos inside the polling station
Please take photos outside the polling station and share them on social media. Use them to encourage your friends and family to vote.
If you have a disability and can’t fill in the ballot paper yourself
You can ask the Presiding Officer to mark the ballot paper for you. Or you can take someone you trust, like a parent or a friend, who is over 18, to help you vote.
Only those registered to vote at that polling station will be able to go inside
You must not take another adult into the polling booth with you, unless you have a disability, in which case you can take someone in to help you. Children are welcome at polling stations and allowed in the polling booth, but they must not mark the ballot paper for you.
With the exception of assistance dogs, animals are not allowed inside polling stations.
If you need help
If you’re not sure what to do, or need any help, just ask the staff at the polling station.
Local Elections - Post your postal vote now
With local elections next week make sure you don’t leave it too late to post your postal vote.
If you have chosen to vote by post in the local elections on 2 May we advise you post your postal vote in the next few days using the prepaid Royal Mail envelope provided.
Use the Royal Mail envelope provided
Voting by post allows you to vote at home without visiting a polling station. Posting your vote in a red Royal Mail postbox means you will not need to fill out a postal vote declaration form.
Handing in your postal vote
If you aren’t able to post your postal vote in time you have 2 options, you can:
- Hand it to reception staff at the Civic Offices in Epping
- Hand it in at your polling station on election day
For both, you will be required to complete a postal vote declaration form. The form asks for your name and address, how many postal votes you are handing in, and why you are handing in those postal votes. Your vote will be rejected if you do not complete this form.
From this election voters can hand in their own postal vote, and the postal votes of up to 5 other people, but only if they complete a postal vote declaration form.
Your vote needs to be with EFDC by 10pm on Thursday 2 May. If it arrives later than this, your vote won’t be counted.
Post it now
Happy Easter 2024!
Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council wish a Happy Easter 2024 to all our residents, visitors and workers.
ECC Minerals and Waste Consultation - Our Response
As all will be aware, ECC are running a consultation on various sites they would consider for minerals/ gravel extraction. Patch Park Farm, in the Abridge area, is one of these sites, and any activity there would of course have a knock-on effect on surrounding parishes, Stapleford Abbotts being among them. Here is the Parish Council letter of response and objection to the inclusion of Patch Park. All residents can to respond to the consultation individually - see the link on news article regarding the consultation extension.
A round-up of the planned works in the area that are coming up:
- ONGAR ROAD A113 up to Passingford Bridge roundabout
- Essex County Council
- Gully repairs 18-20 March
- Traffic lights
- North Road leaving the village
- London Borough of Havering
- Road repairs 19-21 March
- Traffic lights
- Stapleford Road
- Electricity Network
- Maintenance 19-22 March
- Traffic lights
- ONGAR ROAD A113 up to Passingford Bridge roundabout
- Essex County Council
- Road repairs 22-26 March
- Road closed
- Oakhill Road by Top Oak
- ECC Road Repair
- Maintenance 28-29 March
- Traffic lights
- Bournebridge Lane near Hook Lane junction
- Bollard repair 8 April
- Traffic lights
- Stapleford Road
- Affinity Water
- Maintenance 17-30 April
- Traffic lights
- Goatswood Lane
- Cadent
- 23 April
- Road closed
- Horseman Side
- Affinity Water maintenance
- 29 April - 3 May
- Road closed
Don't forget - the SB09 Bus is here to transport you throughout the spring!
Public Consultation – Minerals Local Plan Review Update - EXTENDED
The Essex County
Council Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review –is undergoing a six-week public
consultation, during which time Essex County Council are inviting comments. There
is a possibility that this will affect our area – Stapleford Abbotts as well as
the neighbouring parishes - as Patch Park near Abridge is named as a possible
site for gravel extraction. The deadline for response has been extended and
will close on Tuesday April 9 2024, so please go to the Essex County Council
website at www.essex.gov.uk/minerals-review
to find out more and lodge your response.
As you will be aware, Essex County Council’s Minerals & Waste Plan is due for review and is, subsequently, currently under consultation. This includes the possibility of a site in the local area being used to yield one million tonnes of aggregate (c/f 4.31 million tonnes annually for Essex).
This site is designated as A63 in the consultation and is more commonly known as Patch Park. Lying between Passingford Roundabout and Abridge, if it is launched as a gravel extraction area, this would have an effect on the neighbouring council areas including Stapleford Abbotts, due to the use of already busy local roads by heavy lorries and other plant traffic.
Residents have already been offered a right to reply onwww.essex.gov.uk/minerals-review If you are concerned about the consultation, or want to find out more, there is to be a public meeting at Theydon Bois Village Hall, on Wednesday March 6 at 8pm.
TravelEssex - Bus Survey 2024 - Have your say on bus travel in the area
TravelEssex is conducting a survey to better understand public opinion of the bus services in Essex, and how it can improve bus services to encourage more people to use them.
An online survey for both bus users and non-bus users is available during the next two weeks.
In addition, face-to-face surveys will be carried out across Essex in six locations: Basildon, Chelmsford, Colchester, Harlow, Clacton and Harwich during the same period.
The survey will close on Sunday 17 March 2024. To have your say and take part in this survey, please click here.
RECYCLING BAGS - Available at The Rabbits
If you need recycling bags and usually pick them up from the village shop, we have arranged a supply to be sent to The Rabbits pub, where you can pick them up free.
Ride London Is Back - May 26 2024
Ride London is back again in 2024 – and as far as we are informed, will also be taking place in 2025 and 2026. This year, the event will only affect our area for one day, Sunday May 26th. A more detailed schedule will be released nearer the day, but we will post everything we get on our website, social media and notice boards.
The race organisers are keen to create a better liaison with
residents who might be affected, so their engagement manager Chris Davey is
offering an open door for questions, suggestions and comments: please call
07900 788109 or email Chris.Davey@londonmarathonevents.co.uk
- Feb 23-27
- Stapleford Road
- Affinity Water
- Feb 9-16
- Oak Hill Road heading to Romford by the bridge
- UK Power Networks
Essex Minerals Local Plan Review - Have your say on proposed quarries near you!
Essex County Council says:
Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review – 2025 to 2040: Public consultation from 6th February to 19th March 2024
This is to notify you that the next stage of the Replacement Minerals Local Plan Review will be undergoing a six-week public consultation (under Regulation 18 – Issues and Options), during which time we are inviting comments.
Please note that there are one or more sites in your parish/area that have been put forward for consideration for inclusion in the new Minerals Local Plan. For details and maps of these sites please see the Candidate Site Assessment document AND its accompanying appendices on our website at www.essex.gov.uk/minerals-review
The current Essex Minerals Local Plan (MLP) was adopted in July 2014. The Plan provides planning policies for minerals development in Essex until 2029 and identifies future sites for mineral extraction.
Every five years the council is required to review the effectiveness of its MLP. Since 2020 the review of the Plan has undergone several phases of consultation and two call for sites resulting in 52 candidate sites being put forward for consideration for inclusion in a new Plan.
We are now proposing to extend the Plan to 2040 covering a 15-year period from 2025. New sites will be needed to meet the forecasted demand for aggregates (sand and gravel) over this period. Doing so will ensure that the Plan is robust and can help maintain a ‘steady and adequate’ supply of aggregates and meet the relevant ‘tests of soundness’ as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
There are two main parts of this consultation on which you are invited to comment: the first are the revised Plan polices, their supporting text and the wider Plan evidence base in the draft Replacement Minerals Local Plan. The second is the site assessment report which contains the 52 candidate sites. The suitability of each has been assessed by independent consultants.
At this stage we have not identified what sites we want to see included in the final Plan. ‘Preferred Sites’ for allocation will be chosen once the comments received from this consultation have been fully considered.
Full details of this consultation, all related documents and how to respond can be found on the Essex County Council website at www.essex.gov.uk/minerals-review. Free internet access is available at Essex libraries. Responses to this consultation should be made by 5pm on 19 March 2024.
Carers Voices Campaign - Here to Help You
Healthwatch Essex and Essex County Council have jointly launched Carers Voices, an initiative aimed at connecting with the numerous unpaid carers throughout the county, with the goal of amplifying their voices and enhancing outcomes for them. If you or anyone you know is in this situation, please get in touch and make use of their platform, which was set up in order to support the empowerment of individuals who selflessly serve others in our communities.
Zumba Salsa Yoga - Get Fit, Feel Great!
Calling all fitness fanatics and armchair aesthetes! Flagging up these fab Salsa Zumba Yoga classes, held every Monday night, starting at 7:15pm onwards, at Abridge village hall.
Everyone is welcome !!!
For more info contact Clare Gayler:
EMAIL: clare@freedomtobe.uk
Note to all passengers: due to unforeseen circumstances the SB09 Bus will not be running tomorrow (Wednesday 24/1/24)
Travel Snug This January - the SB09 Bus is Running!
Ride above the winter chills with the SB09 bus service, running from Bournebridge Lane to Epping on Mondays and Debden Retail Park on Wednesdays. All services run via Abridge.
Please call 01992 579556 for further information!
Storm Henk & Flooding
Storm Henk has wreaked havoc across most of Britain - and our corner of Essex is no exception. The River Roding burst its banks, and the B172 from Theydon Bois through Abridge to Stapleford Abbotts has been flooded and completely impassable. Parish Clerk reports seeing stranded cars under the M11 overpass near the entrance to Theydon Bois Cemetery this morning. We hope all our readers are safe.
Stranger things...
Did you know that books are not the only things you can get from a library? The Essex Library of Things has a host of activity equipment that all adult Essex residents who are members of the library services can borrow free of charge.
The items include: circus skills sets, foam croquet sets, gazebos, football training cones and pop up goals, Pilates equipment, play tunnels and foam tenpin bowling sets. You can browse and reserve online, and pick up from any library in Essex -including mobile libraries. Read here:
Happy New Year 2024
Happy New Year to all from Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council. We wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful 2024.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council would like to thank you far all your support in 2023, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.
Bin Collections - Festive Period 2023-4
Check your bin collection over the Christmas & New Year holiday period here...
Christmas and new year collections
- Tuesday 26 December collected on Wednesday 27 December
- Wednesday 27 December collected on Thursday 28 December
- Thursday 28 December collected on Friday 29 December
- Friday 29 December collected on Saturday 30 December
Collections return to normal on Tuesday 2 January 2024.
News just in - SB09 Bus will run only on Wednesday December 27 and January 3 over the holiday period.
New Shopper Bus Service - SB09
Welcome to our new bus service, the SB09, now running from Bournebridge Lane to Epping on Mondays and Debden Retail Park on Wednesdays. All services run via Abridge.
Please call 01992 579556 for further information!
EFDC Services over Christmas & New Year
The Council’s contact centre is closed from 5pm Friday 22 December until 9am Tuesday 2 January 2024. The community hub, based at the Civic Offices in Epping will also be closed during this time, so drop-in services will not be available.
The Limes Centre, Chigwell closes at 5pm on Friday 22 December and reopens at 9am on Tuesday 2 January 2024.
Epping Forest District Museum in Waltham Abbey closes at 4pm on Wednesday 20 December and reopens at 10am on Tuesday 2 January 2024.
Out-of-hours emergency
Council tenants should contact Qualis Property Solutions for the out-of-hours emergency repairs service, where there is a risk to you and your family, or danger to the property.
- Call 0333 230 0464
The Council out-of-hours telephone number is: 01992 564000.
Make a payment online or over the phone, using our 24-hour automated telephone payment service:
- Make a payment
- Call 01992 564600
allpay cards
Customers who use allpay cards to pay Council Tax and Business Rates can visit their local PayPoint or Post office.
Housing Benefit payments
Due to the Christmas bank holiday period, Housing Benefit payments to private tenants and their landlords will be paid early.
- If your usual payment issue date is Thursday 21 December, the revised issue date is Monday 18 December 2023 covering the period up to 25 December
- If your usual payment issue date is Thursday 28 December, the revised issue date is Thursday 21 December covering the period up to 1 January 2024.
Recycling and refuse
To see if your collections dates have changed visit our check your collection page.
Real Christmas trees can be recycled in January. Leave it with your green-lidded garden and food waste bin. If it’s over 6 foot, cut in half and remove the pot and all decorations.
Boxes can be flat packed and left under recycling bags, so they don’t blow away, or placed inside the bags if they are small. Larger boxes should be placed out flat packed on recycling week.
You can find the opening times for recycling centres over the Christmas period on the Love Essex website.
Council owned car parks
All our council owned car parks are free to park in on bank holidays and on weekends during December. A full list can be found on our pay and display car parks page.
Warm Places
Some Warm Places will be available over the Christmas period. Visit the Warm Places page for more information.
Leisure centres
Check our leisure centres’ opening times over the Christmas period before visiting:
MOT service centre
Our MOT service centre in Loughton is closed from 2pm Friday 22 December and reopens 8am Tuesday 2 January 2024.
Lost or found dogs
If you have lost or found a dog in the Epping Forest area, contact the Waltham Forest dog team:
- Call 07815 512833 – from 10am to 7pm on bank holidays, (not available Christmas, Boxing or New Year’s Day)
Leasehold property insurance claims
If you own the leasehold of a property and need to make a building insurance claim (not contents), please refer to insurance for leaseholders on our website.
Social media
We’ll be monitoring our social media accounts from 9am until 9pm every day:
Car Parking in EFDC Area - Free at weekends in December!
Good news - residents and visitors to the Epping Forest district will be able to use any Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) operated public car park free of charge at weekends in December while they do their Christmas shopping. Qualis Group Ltd will also be offering free weekend parking in the new Cottis Yard multi-storey car park in Epping.
You can look up and find a car park on this list of EFDC operated public car parks. Parking on bank holidays is also free in all EFDC car parks.
ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL - Have your say on how they spend our money
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Roadworks - December 2023
Roadworks on Stapleford Road near Gutteridge Lane
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Date: 29 November
Roadworks on Stapleford Road near the bridge
Traffic control (two-way signals)
UK Power Networks
Date: 5-7 December
Roadworks on Oak Hill Road near Top Oak
Traffic control
Affinity Water
Date: 1-5 December
Fly-Tipping: Get even with garbage!
Fly tipping - it's ugly, it's potentially dangerous, it's illegal and everybody hates it. We've had our fair share of it in the parish, and we're always on the case - Epping Forest District Council have a system in place for residents to report the problem if it arises and get the debris shifted fast.
If you see any instances of fly-tipping, go to this link and follow the directions to get it logged for removal:
The District Council also run a "special collection" service so residents can get rid of unwanted large bulky household items such as beds, washing machines, fridges and freezers, starting at £32.50 for 1-3 items. Certain items are not accepted, such as garden, building, carpet or chemical waste, worktops, glass items and anything that may take more than two people to remove. Go here to find out more and book a collection:
Remembrance 2023
Remembrance 2023 - Welcome to our two new arrivals, the Tommy Statues, who are adding their subtle but impactful presence at the Village Sign and at the church, inspiring us all that today is when we remember all the victims of war, and those who work to prevent it.
The annual Remembrance Sunday service will take place at St Mary's Church on Sunday 12 November, starting at 10.30 and including the laying of our poppy wreath, the two minutes silence, and all the traditional spiritual and poetic readings.
November 5 - Animal Alert!
you’re celebrating Bonfire Night, please be mindful of animals – they don’t see
the celebrations quite as we do:
· Keep your cat or dog inside with windows, curtains and doors closed, avoid leaving them alone, and let the TV or radio drown out the bangs. Provide your cat with a litter tray if it usually “goes” outdoors – and walk your dog in daylight. Make sure your pet is wearing ID in case of escape.
· Bring rabbits into a quiet room, garage or shed or provide extra bedding, turn the pen to face the house, and cover it with a heavy blanket.
· If you have horses, tell neighbours and anyone else organising a display that you do, so they can set their fireworks off well away from them. If your horse is in the field, make sure it’s safe and not near the firework display area. Check for anything in a stable that may cause injury; again, music can mask sudden noises. Stay with your horse if there are to be fireworks – but don’t risk riding on bonfire night.
· Check the bonfire area before it’s lit - look out for toads, frogs and newts and redirect them to shelter in small piles of leaves and logs. If you find any hibernating hedgehogs, move them to a sheltered area underneath trees or bushes. Keep fireworks away from trees and hedges to protect birds in nest boxes, and don’t pin Catherine wheels onto trees: put them on fence posts or stakes in the ground.
And lastly: if you adamant that you need fireworks to make your party go with a swing, there are many versions of quiet fireworks which might make things easier on your pets and the local wildlife too. Asda, Aldi, Lidl, Tesco and Morrison's are all offering "low-noise" versions of the traditional pyrotechnics, which don't have gunpowder and should avoid the jump-scare.
Roadworks - November 2023
Roadworks on Tysea Hill near turnoff to industrial estate
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Affinity Water
Date: 30 Oct- - 10 Nov
Roadworks on Albyns Lane
Traffic control
Essex CC - Road Repairs
Date: 17-21 November
Roadworks on Stapleford Road near Bournebridge Lane Junction
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Essex CC
Date: 20-25 November
Advice and Information on local winter fuel and cost of living support - Networking Event!
Networking event November 2 at The Hope Centre, Loughton - open to all community groups that aim to support others. It's a forum for your organisation, a great way of meeting like-minded groups and a one-stop shop for building knowledge about how to weather the winter season. Book your place now!
Storm Ciaran - Be Prepared!
News just in from EFDC: A yellow warning has been issued as Storm Ciaran is due to hit parts of southern England and Wales from Wednesday evening (1 November).
The storm could bring winds of 60+mph and very heavy rain, causing trees to uproot and flooding in areas already saturated.
Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is advising people to secure their property and garden furniture and avoid unnecessary travel.
If you do have to travel, please:
- Check for weather updates, traffic delays or road closures.
- Adjust your driving for the conditions
- Reduce your speed
- Increase your distance from the vehicle in front
- Do not drive through flood water
Read more from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service
Fallen trees or branches should be reported in different ways depending on the circumstances.
- In an emergency, where there is risk to life, always call 999.
- Fallen tree on major road not endangering life: report online to Essex Highways or call 0345 603 7631
- Fallen tree on minor road not endangering life – report online to Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) or call 01992 564000
If the tree is on private land and not blocking a public right of way, it should be reported to the landowner.
Rubbish and recycling collections will continue as normal. However, all collections will be kept under review as the storm progresses. Residents are advised to put their bins out in a sheltered position where possible and bring them straight back when emptied.
Halloween - Keep it clean!
A message from the Essex Police for the Halloween season...
Halloween is a fun and exciting time for many but some people can find it unsettling. It's often a busy time for police too.
This Halloween we would like to remind everyone to think of others and be considerate around those not taking part in Halloween. We will take a robust approach to anyone causing problems.
What might seem like being fun and mischievous to some can be really quite frightening to others.
Playing practical jokes on neighbours you don’t know or throwing things at their houses because they’re not taking part in trick or treat is unacceptable.
In many cases it may actually be criminal in nature.
If you decide to go trick or treating, please think carefully about which doors you knock on, particularly if you know there are elderly people living there.
Where possible prearrange visits to neighbours and friends.
While dressing up is part of the fun at this time of year, we would urge people not to deliberately go out of their way to scare or frighten members of the public.
We want everyone to enjoy Halloween and Bonfire Night by keeping themselves safe and making sure they do not cause problems in their communities.
Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order consultation - have your say
Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) is proposing to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for dog control, making it an offence for a person in charge of a dog to:
- Fail to remove dog faeces deposited on any publicly accessible land within the district
- Fail to put a dog on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer, on any publicly accessible land within the district
- Fail to limit the number of dogs which a person may take onto publicly accessible land within the district to four dogs
- Fail to produce a receptacle (i.e. dog poo bags) for picking up dog faeces when requested to do so by an authorised officer, while walking any dog on any publicly accessible land within the district
- Fail to exclude a dog from specified fenced areas within the district
Have your say
The consultation is open from Monday 23 October to Monday 20 November 2023.
Roadworks - October 2023
Roadworks on Stapleford Road by the school
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Essex CC
6 Oct all day
Roadworks on Bournebridge Lane
Traffic control (two-way signals)
BT Openreach
Date: 9 Oct - 10 Oct
Roadworks on Tysea Hill at the Oak Hill Road end
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Essex County Council
Date: 9 Oct - 11 Oct and 10-Oct - 12 Oct
Roadworks on Oak Hill Road at Tysea Hill junction
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Essex County Council
Date: 12 Oct - 16 Oct and 16-Oct - 27 Oct
Roadworks on Tysea Hill near turnoff to industrial estate
Traffic control (two-way signals)
Affinity Water
Date: 30 Oct - 10 Nov
Epping Forest Community Transport are looking for volunteers...
Epping Forest & Harlow Community Transport is a charity serving local people who aren't able to use conventional public transport. They're looking for volunteers - Car Drivers, Minibus Drivers and Trustees. They'll train you up and reimburse out of pocket expenses. Interested? Hit www.efcommunitytransport.co.uk for more details.
What's On in Epping Forest - Autumn 2023
The ‘What’s on in Epping Forest for October to December 2023’ brochure is now available.
Autumn activities
The brochure has details of all activities, events, exhibitions and workshops from the Community Development and Wellbeing (CDW) team at Epping Forest District Council.
There’s something for everyone, from creative October half term activities to keeping active with walking football and Museum Movers.
The West Essex Inclusion Project autumn programme returns with term time and holiday activities.
Get in the festive mood with the Cavalcade of Light or visit Father Christmas at the museum. The Memory Train returns for a special Christmas trip for those living with dementia and their families.
Alongside the activity programme, the brochure’s full of extras such as volunteering opportunities and award schemes for young people.
Download the brochure
Pick up a hard copy from Wednesday 4 October at:
- Epping Forest District Council Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ
- Epping Forest District Museum, 39-41 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1EL
Book an event
Most activities need to booked and paid for in advance. It’s advisable to book early on any activity to ensure your place.
- Book online
- Call 01992 564226 – from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm
Keep updated
Follow the CDW team on social media to be up to date with everything going on this autumn:
X (formally Twitter) and Instagram
Sign up to the family mailing list and be among the first to hear when future bookings go live.
Social, Active, Strong - and local!
Calling all adults who want to improve mobility and balance and meet a new crowd! The Social. Active. Strong. activity programme might be just the ticket. It's a seat-based strength and balance activity class, free of charge and covering a 12-week programme of gentle but effective activities to help you build strength, mobility and day to day activity levels, helping you keep an active, social and independent life.
The service is available to adults living in or registered to a GP’s practice in the Epping Forest district. For more information and to register for classes:
- Call 01992 564226 for advice or email sasreferrals@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
- See the Social Active Strong webpage
Library Challenge - Still time to enter!
If you haven’t started the Ready, Set, Read challenge yet, don’t worry! You’ve still got time to get down to your local library and read six books before the challenge finishes on 2 September. Find out more about the Summer Reading Challenge here.
Road Closures July 2023
July 30 2023 - Stapleford Road closed for utility repair, UK Power Networks
July 24-28 203 - Two-way signals, Oak Hill Road just on from Tysea Hill junction (Havering direction), ES Pipelines
There will also be works by Affinity Water on Murthering Lane just on from Curtis Mill Lane junction, September 22-26 2023
Roadworks - June 2023
UK Power Networks: Stapleford Road, 30 May - 7 Jun, Road closed & diversion
Affinity Water: Horseman Side, 1-6 Jun, Road closed
Affinity Water: Stapleford Road, 2-6 June, Footways closed
Thames Water: Stapleford Road, 14 June, Traffic lights
Ride London 2023 Advance warning
Ride London 2023 - be aware
As happened last year, the parish will see 25000 riders passing through as they take part in a festival of cycling around the county of Essex. Road closures are again in place: in the parish itself, Stapleford Road from Passingford Bridge will be closed, as will Hook Lane towards Lambourne End and Chigwell Row.
Closures will be in force from 07.30 until 17.30.More information can be found here: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/38539436
We will be posting rolling updates on our website and notice boards as and when we get it; for the latest news see the official website: https://www.ridelondon.co.uk/
Travel planner link:https://www.ridelondon.co.uk/community-info/community-info/essex
For an interactive map see: https://www.ridelondon.co.uk/community-info/community-info/essex#maps
Road Closures May-June 2023
Road closures for the upcoming month...
UK Power Networks May 29 – June 4
Stapleford Road closed for replacement of a transformer – diversion in place
Thames Water June 15
Traffic lights on Stapleford Road for running repairs
ES Pipelines June 19 - 23
Traffic lights on Oak Hill Road by the exit to Havering atte Bower due to repairs and maintenance
Kingdom Clean - The Big Help Out Litter Pick
Bank Holiday Monday was officially designated as the day for the Big Help Out - a time for community action as part of the nationwide Coronation celebrations. In Stapleford Abbotts, we combined several themes and launched a litter picking walk that included the inauguration of a Coronation Trail path, complete with commemorative markers which were placed on the day, and an event that joined forces with a team of litter pickers from Lambourne parish. The Stapleford and Lambourne teams started from their respective churches and met in the middle, with a rousing rendition of the National Anthem sung al fresco, a cappella and animato con brio.
Many thanks to all who attended - planners, walkers, pickers, the youngsters who placed the Coronation Trail roundels - and who made it a joyous and successful event. Also many thanks to the weather for holding off until everyone was at their destination! To see more of the day, and the beautiful countryside we walked in, click on the Gallery.
Royal Reflection - Church Service and Cream Tea at St Mary's
The weather finally got rain and reign sorted out, and we were gifted with a beautiful spring day for the church service and afternoon tea at St Mary's on Sunday 7th. The church team, bolstered by parish council members and staff, prepared a spread fit for a king, and the service was led by Stapleford & Lambourne's very own Rev Roger Gayler and Pastor Martyn Payne of Abridge Village Church. Afterwards, everyone peeled off to the church grounds to enjoy the tea and scones, or to the bell-tower to try their hand at "Ring for the King" which, in other words, meant making a joyful noise. Quite a contrast with the professional team's orderly chiming before the service - and a bit of a punk revival on the part of the parish clerk!
Many thanks to all who made this such a lovely occasion; for more pictures head on over to our Gallery page.
Operation Coronation - Saturday Fun Day at The Rabbits
Despite the weather, everyone came together - to have a wonderful time celebrating the Coronation of Charles III. The pub, in collaboration with the Parish Council, arranged the event, which included a bouncy castle, arts and crafts, face painting, a barbeque and live music. We'd like to thank everyone who attended, from the young artists to the music lovers to the enterprising tinies who partied through the rain.
Special thanks to the team at The Rabbits for all their hard work, Georgi whose artistic expertise was seen on faces large and small, Mario and his music, and to Kidsplay for the castle. Take a look at our Gallery for more happy snaps from the day!
Council services in the Epping Forest district – who does what
Council services in the Epping Forest area: who does what?
Different levels of local government provide different services, so information may save time when searching for advice or reporting an issue. If you are new to the district or just not sure who to contact at the Council when you need help and advice, this may help
Essex County Council
Essex County Council is responsible for:
- Schools
- Roads, streets and transport, including potholes and roadworks
- Children’s social care
- Adult social care
- Births, ceremonies and deaths
- Libraries
- Recycling centres and tips
- Trading Standards
Epping Forest District Council
Epping Forest District Council is responsible for:
- Collecting recycling and rubbish
- Housing
- Planning and building control
- Collecting Council Tax
- Benefits
- Business rates
- Elections
- Licensing
Town and parish councils
Town and parish councils are responsible for:
- Markets
- Allotments
- Play areas
- Hall hire
- Public toilets
- Cemeteries
- They are also involved in planning applications in their area
There are 24 town and parish councils in the Epping Forest district.
Epping Forest
The forest does not come under the control of Epping Forest District Council, it is the responsibility of the Corporation of London.
Visit the Corporation of London website including information on:
Essex Bank Closures this spring & summer
A full list of the banks that have closed or are due to close in Essex this year, and their final days is below:
- Barclays Dagenham, Heathway (March 3)
- Barclays Shenfield, Hutton Rd (April 19)
- Lloyds Chingford, Station Rd (April 25)
- Lloyds Dagenham, Heathway (April 26)
- Halifax Chingford, Chingford Mount Rd (May 15)
- Halifax Maldon, High Street (June 5)
- Barclays Manningtree, High Street (June 7)
- Barclays West Mersea, Yorick Road (June 13)
- Barclays Loughton, High Road (June 22)
- Halifax Grays, High Street (June 22)
- Natwest Harold Hill, Hilldene Avenue (July 6)
- HSBC Hornchurch (August 15)
Road Closures April-May 2023
Stapleford Road -UK Power Networks
Traffic control – 2-way signals
2/5/23 – 2/5/23
Bournebridge Lane - Gigaclear
Traffic control – 2-way signals
9/5/23 – 11/5/23
Stapleford Road - Gigaclear
Some carriageway incursion
18/5/23 – 22/5/23
Stapleford Road -Gas
Traffic control – 2-way signals
18/5/23 – 28/5/23
Stapleford Road -UK Power Networks
Road Closure
29/5/23 – 4/6/23
ULEZ - Have Your Say!
The proposed expansion of the ULEZ potentially means that you could be charged £12.50 per trip into London - and that means the outlying London boroughs such as Havering and Redbridge as well as the central area.
If you think this is inappropriate - especially coming as it does in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis - there is a petition already live that you can sign. We will also have these signs on our notice boards if you would like to scan the QR code from there.
Road closures - March 2023
Road closures this month
Stapleford Road:
- February 27-March 3 - Water works - Traffic lights
- March 21 - Electricity - Traffic lights
- March 20-24 - Utilities - Traffic lights
Stapleford Road/ Bournebridge Lane
- March 6-17 - Water works - Traffic lights
Bournebridge Lane
- March 22-24 - Road repairs- Traffic lights
Murthering Lane
- March 14-16 - Water works - CLOSED with diversion
Horseman Side & Junction with Goatswood Lane
- March 7- Telecoms - CLOSED with diversion
- March 22-24 - Road repairs - CLOSED with diversion
Tysea Hill & Murthering Lane Junction
- March 22-24 - Road repairs - CLOSED with diversion
Alex Burghart - MP for Brentwood & Ongar
Contact Details for Alex Burghart MP, Member of Parliament for Brentwood & Ongar and the representative for Stapleford Abbotts at Westminster:
Parliamentary Enquiries:
- Alex Burghart MP
- House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
- Tel: 020 7219 1613
- alex.burghart.mp@parliament.uk
- www.alexburghart.org.uk
Constituent Enquiries:
- 020 7219 1613
- BrentwoodAndOngar@parliament.uk
Social Media:
Countdown to the Coronation
The Coronation of King Charles III is coming - the long weekend of May 6-8 will be given over to country-wide celebrations of all kinds, and Stapleford Abbotts will be no exception. We are planning a weekend of jubilation and jollification in collaboration with the Church and the Rabbits pub, with everything from a screening of the ceremony to live music to afternoon the and cakes as the bells ring out.
Official details to be released very soon - watch this space!
Road closures - February 2023
Road Closures this month:
Feb 6-8 2023 Affinity Water will be carrying out essential maintenance on Bournebridge Lane - there will be traffic controls with a two-way signal
Feb 17 Essex Highways are undertaking works to the Vehicle Restraint System (VRS) on Horseman Side - there will be traffic controls with a two-way signal
Feb 22-24 2023 Essex County Council will be repairing the carriageway on Bournebridge Lane - traffic will be diverted but emergency access will be maintained at all times
Feb 22 - March 3 Gas Transportation will be undertaking works on Stapleford Road (outside Harleen) - there will be traffic controls with a two-way signal
Feb 22 - March 3 Affinity Water will be carrying out essential maintenance on Stapleford Road near the Gutteridge Lane turn-off- there will be traffic controls with a two-way signal
Feb 27 - March 1 Affinity Water will be carrying out essential maintenance on Murthering Lane - traffic will be diverted but emergency access will be maintained at all times
Job Opportunity - Minibus Driver
Epping Forest & Harlow Community Transport are looking for a Minibus Driver
Full Time or Part Time
Epping Forest & Harlow Community Transport, a long-established charity, has a vacancy for a motivated and flexible Part time or full time Minibus Driver.
- The successful candidate would ensure the safe transport of our all our passengers, the elderly, disabled, rurally isolated and community bus routes.
- Comprehensive Training package provided.
- Pay Range: £ 21,164.04 pa, plus London Weighting. (pro rata for part time).
- Must be over 25yrs old, and hold a UK driving license with D1 entitlement.
Would you like to join our passionate and dedicated team? For an application form & Job Description please telephone: 01992 579556 or email:efct@efcommunitytransport.org.
Fireworks Regulations at a glance
Fireworks - they’re a perennially popular
way to round off a celebration – and available more freely than in earlier
years - but please be aware of the rules and restrictions on how fireworks can
be used legally and safely.
Fireworks can be used in the UK at any time between 7am and 11pm except:
· Bonfire night: 7am to midnight
· New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year: 7am to 1am the following day
Fireworks fall into four categories:
· category one: ‘Throwdown fireworks’ including firecrackers, bangers and party poppers
- categories two and three: ‘Adult fireworks’ available in shops
- category four: Professional display fireworks available from specialist suppliers
According to The Fireworks Regulations 2004 and The Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015:
- anyone over 18 can buy, carry or use category one, two and three fireworks
- anyone over 16 can only buy, carry or use category one fireworks
- anyone over 12 can buy Christmas crackers
- only licensed professionals can buy, carry and use category 4 fireworks
- unless part of an organised event by licensed professionals, fireworks cannot be used on the street or in a public place
- it’s an offence to throw or set off any firework (including sparklers and category 1 fireworks) in or into any highway, street, thoroughfare or public space.
Drones - Beware!
We have recently spoken with the local police representative, PC Andy Cook, about the continued drone sightings at night. After a previous discussion about the increase in car thefts in this and surrounding areas, it was indicated that regular suspicious night flights by drones may be linked.
PC Cook has a contact at Stansted who could track such flights, with both registered and unregistered drones, if sightings were reported quickly. Information could be sent via email to himself and the crime bureau to action an investigation. If anyone observes a drone night flight over the village, please email:
Happy New Year 2023!
Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council wish all our parishioners, residents, local businesses and visitors a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year!
That was the year that was... 2022
It's hard to believe that 2022 is over and tomorrow we greet a new year, 2023. The past year, however, has been an eventful one in the parish, and we as a Council have been very proud to instigate, support and enjoy a host of events that have been both sunny and sombre.
We have been involved in organising a Community Speedwatch cohort since early in the year, which we hope will give power to our campaign to reduce speeding in the village and to bring in more permanent controls as regards road safety. The Speedwatch volunteers are always looking for new members, so if you have time to spare and are genuinely worried about driving standards in Stapleford Abbotts, please do get in touch.
The weather turned positively tropical this year, breaking national records and bringing walkers, visitors and locals out into the beautiful countryside around the village, which has to be one of Essex's best kept secrets. The Rogation Walk, which has become a tradition in the area, was very well attended and fun for all who joined in - not to mention very good exercise! Our area has many public footpaths, which have been given a great deal of care by the volunteer group who monitor and maintain them, and the Parish Council has now funded a new bench on Public Right of Way 7 for all to use while out walking - this was sited during the autumn.
Ride London arrived in the area in late May, with cyclists taking part in a mass road race throughout the county. The event will return in spring 2023, and we are keeping a close watch on planning for this, as the 2022 race had unfortunately had very few details released in good time, and consequently there was very short notice as far as preparation was concerned. Everyone in the village coped admirably before, during and after, and we will pass on updates on the 2023 event to all as we get them, so please watch this space for news.
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee was a high point of the year, with everyone excitedly planning for this historic, and probably unique, occasion. The annual Flower Festival was entitled "Flowers for the Queen" and all the participants displayed artistic inspiration, passion for what they do, and a lot of good humour in their exhibits. So many aspects of the Queen's life and reign, and indeed British life and tradition, were interpreted, from afternoon tea to Paddington Bear to corgis and swans to the 1966 World Cup.
As well as providing a presence at the Flower Festival, the Parish Council was proud to take part in the national Jubilee Beacon chain, where we lit our flame at the same time as an estimated 3,500 others all over the UK. Raising a glass to Queen and country at the meeting point by the church, we shared the moment with a pleasingly substantial crowd of supporters, including some new faces to the village. We also donated a commemorative apple tree to the village school, which will hopefully grow, flourish and bear fruit for years and decades to come. On the extended Bank Holiday weekend, the village enjoyed a community picnic - which, due to English weather being English weather and doing the same sort of thing it did on the Queen's Coronation Day itself, was hastily and successfully transferred from its outdoor pitch to the Village Hall.
It seems incredible but just three short months later, the Queen was gone and the upbeat mood retuned to a minor key. Council and church worked together to mark the Queen's death and funeral and the accession of the King officially, with a strictly defined set of protocols that has been laid down by central government; and on a more personal level, by providing a space for local people to reflect and sign books of condolence. We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who worked so hard to get it right, make it respectful and help others express their feelings of gratitude and grief.
Life goes on, and as life has continued in the parish, we have supported many church and community events, including the Christmas market, a beautiful harvest fayre and a memorial service to honour absent friends and relations. And, of course, the now famous (or even infamous) community quiz, which packed Stapleford Hall to the rafters in October. The Crossfire concert at St Mary's in August was a perfect setting for a barbecue and inspired sounds in the hazy days of summer 2022 - and we have also supported the renovations to the church organ with a substantial donation. We are glad to know that it is now back in the finest form, and we look forward to more musical interludes next year and well into the future.
Relations with our neighbouring parishes are important to us, and we have been making and strengthening connections with them. This year, we have interacted successfully with other small councils in the area on a professional and political level at local councils liaison groups, and on a social stage at events such as the Jubilee quiz, the big Christmas sing and the barn dance at Abridge Hall, the home of Lambourne Parish Council.
As we gear up for the new year, we are committed, as ever, to working hard for our residents. We are happy to see you and hear from you, and extend a cordial open invitation to our meetings - which, bar the January meeting which has been moved to January 10 2023, and the month of August when there is no meeting - take place in the Village Hall on the first Tuesday of each month. Express your views, make suggestions, give us feedback and tell us what is important to you - it all counts.
We are constantly monitoring power cuts and floods, passing news on from district and county, updating our new website, keeping hedges, verges and footpaths in order - and supporting the work of the volunteer group dedicated to the upkeep of the local Public Rights of Way. In these uncertain times, we are happy to signpost anyone who needs help and advice to organisations and bodies who provide it: and you can be sure that we are always lobbying the powers that be over community issues - roads, transport, verges, crime, speeding, safety - that matter to the community as a whole.
Happy New Year from Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council
Green Bin Collection
Please note - collection of green bins has been delayed due to staff off the green dustcarts being diverted to the regular refuse collection to make up for the shortfall on the black bins.
Green bins will resume collection after 28th December.
Community Speedwatch - Join in and save lives!
What is it with the need for speed? One issue that we always have comments from residents about is the constant occurrence of motorists racing through the village at high speed. It's dangerous, it's frightening and it's anti-social.
We are taking positive action. As well as looking to get the speed limits lowered, chiefly in built-up parts of the village and most importantly in the vicinity of the school, we have also formed a Community Speedwatch Group. Our group, which is always looking for new recruits, holds regular sessions in order to gauge the speed of just how fast vehicles are going on the parish's roads and feed back to the central hub operated by the county's emergency services.
If you have free time and want to help make our roads safer, we're extending an open invitation and a warm welcome. Simply contact the Parish Clerk on staplefordabbottsparishcouncil@gmail.com and we will put you in touch with our police contact for online training - and then to your first stint with the group!
Everyone Essex - Join In the Debate
It’s Everyone’s Essex: let’s talk
We want Essex to be the best local authority in the country – as judged by the people, the businesses, and the communities we support and serve. To achieve this, we need to be honest and open. We need the honesty to admit that we don’t have all the answers when it comes to tackling complex problems. And we need to be open to new ideas and approaches – ensuring the services we provide and the investments we make are developed with our communities.
As we shape our financial plans for 2023/24 and beyond, we want to hear from local people about their views and values. We would like to hear your views about:
- the big issues we face and the challenges that lie ahead for Essex.
- the things that concern you and your family; and
- where we should focus resources as we work to improve lives across our county.
Next year, Essex County Council (ECC) will spend over £2bn. This will include funding for essential services and investment in our county’s infrastructure and future growth. This is a substantial amount of money, but it doesn’t go as far as we would like. Just like households across Essex, we have to make difficult choices about where we spend, and where to make savings.
For information on how ECC spends its money, and where it gets its money from can be found here
Transport Survey
It's time for communities to tell the powers that be what they think about services and utilities: .the link below is an opportunity to express your views and help protect bus services.
Ride London - Consultations
As you'll have heard, Ride London is back next year. The organisers are holding public engagement events soon, open to all, to talk about the 2022 event, announce aspects of 2023's and to provide a forum for views and suggestions.
All those who want to make their views heard might like to note the nearest ones to our community:
- Tuesday 1 November, 5-8pm - Zinc Arts Centre, High Street, Ongar, CM5 0AD
- Thursday 3 November, 5-8pm - Epping Town Hall, St John's Road, Epping, CM16 5JU
- Friday 4 November, 5-8pm - Roding Valley Hall, Station Way, Buckhurst Hill, IG9 6LN.
Any new information about the event and its outreach work will be posted here.
Road closures
Look out - we anticipate some road closures in the area in the next few months...
Stapleford Road/ Bournebridge Road: 14 Nov -18 Nov (Gas Transportation Co Ltd)
Stapleford Road near Brook Farm: 30 Nov - 6 Dec - Affinity Water
Stapleford Road near Brook Farm: 13 Dec - 20 Dec (E S Pipelines Ltd)
A quick reminder from Essex Police as regards Halloween...
...The evening should be fun, but some people find it too much - and others can take the spirit of misrule a bit too far.
If you're going out on the night, stick to houses you know and that are dressed for the occasion, think before pranking and when children are concerned, do not approach strangers.
Residents - there are posters to download and print on the Essex Police website to display in your window or front door to let trick-or-treaters know whether you're taking part or not. Hit www.essex.police.uk/halloween
If you do see or experience any antisocial behaviour, you can report it on the police website - and if someone's life or property is in danger or there's a crime in progress, call 999
Planned Power Cut - October 26 2022
Be aware - there is to be a power cut on October 26, 09.00-14.00 in the vicinity between Tysea Hill and the Top Oak, to facilitate maintenance works in the village.
Help with the Cost of Living
Get help with the cost of living - for Epping Forest District residents and local business owners concerned about how the rising cost of living will affect them.
Financial advice and support is available from many places, but not always obvious, for those struggling to make ends meet.
According to a survey last month by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) a staggering 91% of adults have reported an increase in their living costs compared with a year ago.
Here is some advice and information on where to go to find information and support.
Check what benefits and financial support you can apply for:
- Income
- Disability benefits
- Bills and allowances
- Childcare
- Housing
- Travel
Find out what support is available on EFDC's cost of living pages.
Get face-to-face advice at The Epping Community Hub, a one-stop shop for residents to access a wide range of services.
The Epping Community Hub includes:
- Citizens Advice
- Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
- Epping Food Bank
- Essex County Council – adult social care and family solutions
- Voluntary Action Epping Forest
- Revenue and benefits and homelessness services from Epping Forest District Council
Each organisation is at the hub on set days and times to ensure a range of services is available and there is space for private interviews.
For more information visit the Epping Community Hub page.
Take a seat - our new bench for the community
The first of what we hope to be more benches is now securely in place on Public Right of Way (PROW) 7 at grid reference 511961. The bench has been gifted to the village community by the parish council and sits on one of the most scenic northerly sections of the village for all to enjoy.
EFDC Services - Update of what is open during the Royal Mourning period
Various EFDC services will be out of action Monday 19 September, as it is a national holiday for Her Majesty the Queen’s funeral. Some on-call services will be in operation.
Out of hours emergency
Our out of hours emergency service will respond where there is a risk to you and your family, or danger to the property.
- Call 0333 230 0464
Social media
We’ll be monitoring our social media accounts from 9am until 9pm
Apply, Book, Pay, Report
Many of our services are available online.
- Apply for a service including benefits, business rates, planning advice and council housing
- Book an event or activity
- Pay a bill, fine or invoice
- Report a problem including missed bin collection, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping
Alternatively use our 24-hour automated telephone payment service
- Call 01992 564000
Epping Community Hub
The Epping Community Hub will be closed.
Should you require the services of any of the hub partners, visit our hub webpage for contact details.
Epping Forest District Museum
The Epping Forest District Museum, Waltham Abbey will be closed on Monday 19 September, opening from 10am on Tuesday 20 September.
Follow the museum on social media
North Weald Airfield
North Weald Airfield will be closed; National Police Air Service and the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance are the only services permitted to fly.
Leisure centres
All the district’s leisure centres will be closed on Monday 19 September.
Libraries services
Please check Essex County Council website for library updates.
One-minute’s silence
A national one-minute silence will be held on Sunday 18 September at 8pm to reflect on Her Majesty the Queen’s life and legacy.
Commemorating the life of Her Majesty
There will be a Civic Service to commemorate the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
- Where: St John’s Church, Epping, CM16 5DN
- When: Wednesday 14 September 2022
- Time: 7pm
Due to the nature of the service and late notice seating will be on a first come, first served basis.
King Charles III Proclaimed in Epping
Chairman of Epping Forest District Council, Cllr Mary Sartin, read the formal Proclamation for the district, outside the Council Offices, Epping. This formally marks the commencement of the reign of King Charles III.
Stapleford Abbotts - Remembering the Queen
As a mark of respect to the Queen, we have draped the village sign in black and brought our own floral tribute. Anyone wishing to do likewise is more than welcome to lay their flowers at the sign.
A memorial service for the Queen is anticipated to take place on Monday September 19 2022 at St Mary's Church - details soon.
Our Book of Condolence
The community is invited to share their sympathy over the death of the Queen - we have a Book of Condolence open from tomorrow morning at 9am at St Mary's Church, Church Lane, Stapleford Abbotts. We will keep the book free for all to sign and read until just after the funeral, details of which are yet to be announced. Hours are anticipated to be 9-5 each day.
Floral Tributes for the Queen
We're sure many people might like to make a floral tribute to the Queen on her passing: so the Parish Council are happy to announce that if anyone wants to lay some flowers, they can do this at the village sign on Stapleford Road - but please be careful whilst you are paying your respects. We will be dressing the sign in black ribbon as a sign of official mourning.
Queen Elizabeth II - In Memoriam
As all will now know, HM Queen Elizabeth II died today aged 96, after a reign of seventy years.
In sadness, sympathy, and solidarity, with her family and with the rest of the country, we at Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council would like to pass on our heartfelt condolences and prayers.
We call upon the local community to join us in mourning and commemoration: we will have Books of Condolence at the church and will be observing flag protocols. Updates will be posted as and when we receive them
Please get in touch on staplefordabbottsparishcouncil@gmail.com or on 07894 154877 (preferably by text) with any queries or messages.
Queen Elizabeth II - Recquiescat in Pace
King Charles III - God Save the King
Crossfire Summer Concert & BBQ
A well attended village Bar B Q last night in a beautiful setting at St Marys Church. A superb summer evening with entertainment provided by live band Crossfire - featuring Canon Reverend Roger Gayler on the drums!
Flower Festival 2022 - Stapleford Abbotts Church
"A Festival for the Queen" was the theme behind this year's popular Flower Festival at St Mary's Church - very fitting too as this is the Platinum Jubilee year. And what a festival it was - the church filled with floral decorations on every variation on the royal topic, from tea with the Queen to the royal swans to the ubiquitous corgis. Unlike Coronation Day, the weather was magnificent - and footfall was impressive, with a lot of curious out-of-district visitors dropping in across the weekend to be impressed by the display, the music, the stalls and the refreshments. Many many thanks to all who worked so hard made it such a success - the organisation team, the willing helpers, the creatives, the stallholders, the band and so many more.
Water issues in the area
We're aware that there have been some water supply problems in the Stapleford Abbotts area over the last week. If you are affected, the water authorities will supply bottled water whilst they are getting the pipes back on track. Call your relevant water company or keep abreast of events as they happen online here:
Affinity Water
Telephone: 0345 357 2407
Website: https://www.affinitywater.co.uk/
Thames Water
Telephone: 0800 316 9800
Website: https://www.thameswater.co.uk/
Keep Cool Essex - the heatwave is here!
A message to all Essex residents from Essex County Council Health & Social Care:
In advance of the predicted record-breaking temperatures over the next week, and as I said at yesterday’s County Council meeting, I am keen to mobilise the people of Essex.
We have many tens of thousands of people living on their own or in small households and how, through age or illness, are vulnerable. Many live in homes which offer little respite. The county council and other agencies are creating plans to meet the needs of those they know about, but there are far, far more whom we do not know.
We need to encourage everyone to think about the people who they know, or whom they don’t know but live nearby, and who might be vulnerable to extreme heat. There are many ways to help and by popping in, by encouraging them to have a drink, maybe by lending a fan or other cooling device, or even by inviting them round to your own, cooler property for a while.
I attach a short video which anyone is welcome to use and distribute (click on this link:Hot weather ); you may wish to create your own social media message. I have asked the Essex Wellbeing Service to be ready to take calls from people needing help or identifying where help is needed.
We have had too much heartbreak across the last two years. Excess deaths are already being reported across the county for reasons which are not entirely understood. Let’s create a movement that will truly save lives in the coming days.
Many thanks,
Cllr John Spence CBE
Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care, Essex County Council, County Hall, Chelmsford
Jubilee Beacon - Many Thanks to all who made it a success
The Jubilee Beacon gathering was a great success - we marked the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a beacon, fire pit and a toast to Her Majesty, in keeping with hundreds of other authorities across the county and indeed across the world. The weather stayed fine, the sunset stayed magnificent and we had 50 attendees who came to share the occasion with us. Many thanks to all who joined us - and to all those who lent equipment, brought cake and supplied drinks. More pictures to follow!
Stapleford Abbotts - all dressed up!
The Jubilee Weekend is well under way - many thanks to all who have decorated the streets and their houses - and to those who came to the Beacon Lighting on June 2. We hope to see you at the Church Picnic - rain or shine - on the 5th!
Jubilee Jollifications
To mark the Platinum Jubilee, the Parish Council will be lighting a beacon and raising a glass to commemorate the Queen's remarkable and historic 70-year reign, and the many remarkable people, in the national and global spotlight and in everyday life, who have lived in that time along with her.
Everyone is welcome! Please meet at St Mary’s Church, Church Lane, Stapleford Abbotts, on Thursday June 2 2022 - we suggest gathering at 9.15pm for the beacon lighting at 9.45pm, which will be the moment that hundreds of other beacons up and down the country will also be lit. Tea, coffee, wine and cake will be served for the occasion!
There will also be a community picnic at St Mary's Church on Sunday June 5th - starting at 3pm in the Church Grounds. For more information contact the Church Team via rogergayler@btinternet.com
Platinum Jubilee Tree at Stapleford Abbotts School
A Platinum Jubilee - or indeed anniversary - is a fairly uncommon occurrence and it requires a very special token in recognition. As a Parish Council, we discussed many different ideas as a gift from us to the school, such as coins, cups, spoons, bookmarkers and pictures. However we wanted something that would be suitable not only to make an occasion for the day itself and for the children attending in 2022, but to bear fruit for the generations of children that follow them.
The idea of bearing fruit was one we were all enthusiastic about: what about a fruit tree that would grow and flourish - and provide break-time snacks for future Stapleford Academy pupils? And there was a clear winner - an apple tree called "The Queen." It was a unanimous hit with the Parish Council and with the school management team when we suggested it to them.
We discovered that this particular tree is native to Essex, having been developed here over 200 years ago - adding an overlay of proud localism to the patriotic day. These trees, naturally enough, were hugely popular with people planning garden-related events for the Platinum Jubilee - so much so that the growers only released a certain number per day on their website, leading to the parish clerk counting down the seconds to midnight when the next tranche of trees was up for sale!
The planting ceremony itself took place on May 31, just as the school broke up for their spring half-term holiday. It was attended by the school pupils, staff, ground crew and Cllr Kim Lidlow of the Parish Council, who had very kindly cared for the tree since its delivery to the village. We look forward to the tree growing along with the pupils... and beyond.
Rogation Walk 2022 - Many thanks to all who made it such a success
The annual Rogation Walk on May 22 2022 - beating the bounds of the parish followed by tea and cake at the church. A recently-instituted but popular tradition and very well-attended, with 37 participants enjoying the beautiful weather, pastoral scenery, good company and treasure hunt. Many thanks to all who came along to walk and to help with the refreshments and set-up.
Jubilee Decorations
The Jubilee is on the way - and lots of people will be dressing up their houses over the weekend. If anyone in Stapleford Abbotts with gates that could be made a bit more patriotic would like to have some bunting, please let us know onstaplefordabbottsparishcouncil
RIDE LONDON - Drop-in at the Rabbits 6-7.30pm May 9 2022
Ride London is coming on Sunday May 29 - we are aware that many people are worried because of the upheaval this will generate with road closures and cycle traffic. The organisers will be at the Rabbits on Monday May 9 at 6-7.30pm, to answer questions and offer advice. Drop-in session will be in the conservatory.
Ride London is coming – Stapleford Abbotts will be affected
As you may now know, RideLondon, the world’s largest festival of cycling, will be taking place in Essex. Our area will host the event on Sunday 29th May when there will be road closures for the duration of the day. You can see route details and information about the event on the RideLondon website https://www.ridelondon.co.uk/road-closures/road-closure-information
As the event takes place, cyclists will be heading from Stapleford Tawney, across Passingford Bridge and along Stapleford Road turning up Hook Lane towards Manor Road towards Lambourne End.
Neighbourhood Planning - Return Your Form to Have a Say!
Rogation Walk Poster 2021
It’s time for the annual…
We all missed it last year – so let’s have a good one in ’21!
When…? Sunday May 9 2021
Where…? Starts at St Mary’s Church, Stapleford Abbotts and takes in the Millennium Footpath, a scenic circular route. Includes an I-Spy quiz for children (of all ages!)
Time…? Please gather at the church for 2.45 pm
Tea & cake will be served at the church afterwards!
- Please note that this route is not suitable for pushchairs.
- Under 11s must be accompanied by an adult.
- Dogs welcome, but must be on a leash and supervised at all times.
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If you would like to come along, or if you have any queries, please let Marion Francis know by phone, text or email:07925 936614 cllrmfrancis.sapc@gmail.com